Friday, November 23, 2012


     Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. Since my family is on another continent, I had a great day with friends. As turkey is somewhat rare here and most American thanksgiving food is not available at restaurants in Äetsä, we made some great food in Miias house (the redhead). So, thank you friends, thank you family, and thank you rotary for making this possible
 Doctor Who swag- I <3 David Tennant T-shirt, Dalek and Tennant Bibliography.
 'Rolly, polly, oh my god that's delicious'

'Food for all, also Doctor Who on computer infront of us'

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Finnish Supermarket

I need to thank my mom for supplying the idea behing this long belated post. Supermarkets such as the K market that is pictured here are not immediately that different from American ones. It is big, has many items and a whole section devoted to candy:

Then you start looking at the brands, things are a little different here. Instead of Oreos (Of which there are none in finland) there are "Dominoes" instead of snickers there is Suklataa baari (Chocolate bar) and most depressingly none of the chocolate is Hershey's. Also things say "American" that are obviously not American

 Trust me, it is not American Dressing!
However, there is also a magical candy bar that transcends everything else. The Tupla bar is a combination of chocolate nougat and a type of nut that is places on a twinky-like piece of cardboard and sealed two to a bag. It is wonderful!
'I am to Noah what the ring was to gollum'